Friday, October 21, 2011

Wanna know how they got a rockin body!

I promised before that I would reveal all about how to get a body like these girls. I have talked to Bella and you can read the result below!
Next up is my cousin Tinja with her stunning body! She could model for Victorias Secret!

But first...Bella, the word is yours! Btw love her bikini from Victorias Secret!

So Bella, tell me exactly what you eat for breakfeast?
First of all, I don't eat breakfest. Ever. I usually don't wake up until 10:00.
I have never been a big fan of eating in the morning and it just makes me so hungry during the whole day. So I eat my first meal around 01:00 or 02:00 pm. I am usually hungry by then but I only eat natural yoghurt with a lot of seeds and muesli. Sometimes I also eat a piece of riebread with butter, cheese and avocado or rucola. Yummy!
So you don't eat a real lunch either? What about dinner?
After my "lunch" I don't eat anything until 07:00 or 08:00 pm when I enjoy my only warm meal of the day. My dinner can consist of anything but I always try to eat small portions. I also avoid carbs as much as I can. Because of the man I am living with I usually make lean proteins like chicken for dinner. With that I would enjoy a lot of sallad.

This is what Bella eats for "lunch". I love her teacup!
Do you eat anything after dinner?
I eat more yoghurt and muesli! I love it and it is healthy as well. Later I might eat a piece of bread or two.

Do you ever eat snacks in between?
If I am craving for a snack I usually eat tomatoes with mozzarella cheese and rucola. So good! Instead of eating potato chips I sometimes bake superthin slices of sweet potato with olive oil and spices in the oven. You have to try it! It is delicious and pretty healthy as well...perfect huh? I also eat vegetables with light dip from time to time if I feel like snacking.
This was Bellas snack tonight.

You don't eat so much, don't you feel hungry or out of energy? 
Sometimes. And then I tend to eat A LOT of carbs during ONE day. After that I feel stuffed and really don't feel like eating at all the next day. You know the light feeling you have when you wake up on the morning and your stomach looks flat and nice. The trick is to have that same feeling the whole day and even go to bed with that feeling, you will start loosing weight fast.
This is just what simply works for me. When I used to eat more I constantly felt swollen and had issues with my stomach.

This was Bellas dinner a few days ag
Do you get a bad conciense if you overeat?

You do? Often?

Well...for example. If I have eaten something bad, like say a chocolate bar, I never want to tell anyone about it because I feel ashamed.

Why do you feel ashamed?
Because it seems like everyone else can stay away from sweets and bad food. In real life I believe that a lot of people tend to eat secretely and that it is kind of common. Or maybe it's just me? haha.

So you give in to your cravings often?
I allow myself to eat what I am craving very often, provided that I have been eating very little during the day. Then it is ok. Otherwise no.

But you have lost a lot of weight this past year, how did you do it?
I have started to eat less. That's how simple it is. I don't eat out, when I lived in the US it was a lot easier to dine out. Fastfood was more ok. And even if you ordered healthy fastfood the portions were huge and ofcourse I had to eat it all then. Just eat smaller portions, that's it. Or just make smaller portions and don't make more! In the beginning you can feel hungry but after a while your stomach starts to shrink and you will be full even if you eat less.

You don't exercise do you? How do you stay fit?
Well I have never been a big fan of sports, but I usually do about 200 situps before I go to bed. I rarely train cardio but when I am at the gym I like doing a lot of strength training, escpecially with my arms. That's why I have always had slim arms. Cardio training doesn't work as well for me, I can't see any results if I don't run for like an hour every day and it is just a pain in the ass. Strength training is just easier and gives you faster results.

So finally, are you satisfied with your body right now?
I am satisfied with my upper body but would like to tone my tighs and butt more, although it is a pain in the ass literally to do it, haha.

Bellas top 5 dieting tips!
1. Don't ever eat until your stuffed. It will only strech your stomach and increase the feeling of hunger.
2. Keep yourself busy, so that you don't think about eating.
3. If you feel hungry even though you just ate, drink a lot of tea and water, it makes you feel full.
4. Try to substitute sweets with yoghurt or a smoothie. Berries are good as well!
5. frustrated! haha...when I feel frustrated or mad I want to work out!

Check out Bellas blogg HERE 


  1. Tää oli mielenkiintoinen ja vaikutti ainakin hyvin totuudenmukaiselta! Mä ainakin voisin lukea lisää tällaisia! :-)

  2. Uschh får ångest av all smalhetshets... Viktigare att äta så man mår bra o inte för att bli smalare. Pupuu de e inte så hälsosamt att skippa morgonmålet, de e de viktigaste målet i dagen.... Inte för att ja heller äter så bra alltid men.... har totalt skippat stressen med maten och känner mig så mycket bättre nu, trots att jag inte har nån aning om vågen visar + eller - några kilo...

  3. Okej nu fick ni kanske lite förvrängd bild. Det är ju inte som om jag försöker banta eller så utan inte riktigt tänker på vad jag äter. Äter då jag är hungrig och försöker äta nyttiga saker då. Har aldrig gillat morgonmål eftersom jag inte är hungrig om mornarna så jag äter hellre lite senare mitt morgonmål. Dessutom mår jag bättre av att äta lite mindre eftersom jag hatar att vara uppsvullen och känna mig så att jag inte orkar göra något. Just nu mår jag bra såhår helt enkelt!

  4. Att lägga upp detta på sin blogg är kanske inte det vettigaste jag sett... Jag vet inte vad jag skall säga om detta, men ja kan inte hålla mig från att säga att ni verkligen inte bidrar till att sträva mot det bättre...

  5. Då jag läste igenom det här märkte jag nog att det här inte alls lät bra! Där har du rätt. Så jag skrev i min blogg om det som kanske förklarar lite bättre min inställning till mat och hälsa för helt såhär tänker jag nog kanske inte.

  6. Sofia: förstår vad du menar, men det var verkligen inte det som var min mening. Snarare tvärtom. Men kan tycka själv nu i efterhand att speciellt rubriken ger helt fel bild. Ville kanske provocera lite...tycker att man pratar för lite om detta ämne.

  7. Minna: Kiitos, sehän juuri olikin tarkoitukseni että olisi totuudenmukaista...

    Christa: Samma här. Får verkligen ångest. Därför vill jag ta fram det och våga skriva om det, inte helt lätt det heller.

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