Sunday, October 16, 2011


Coffee will save you, literally! Read this!
My mum used to tell me that drinking coffee is bad for you, but she was wrong!
Did you know that not only does a couple of cups coffee a day lower the risk of many diseases (as diabetes, breast cancer, hepatic cancer, intestine cancer, parkinson, gallstone) but it INCREASES the burning of calories in your body just like other strong spices does. Unfortunately does your body get used to the effects of coffee really fast if you are a regular coffee drinker. BUT it increases the effects of exercise and makes you more durable! A test was made with nine bikers, where they first got to drink regular coffee and next time caffeine free coffee one hour before bicycling. They noticed that their durance increased conciderably after drinking the regular coffee. They could bicycle in full speed for 15 minutes longer than after the caffeine free cup! Here comes the best part!
Something that increased as well was their FATBURN! It increased remarkably!
I am so not giving up coffee drinking any time soon!

Along with the several positive impacts coffee also has negative ones.

1. It colors your teeth.
This is caused by the molecules of coffee that absorbs into your dental enamel. You can mostly avoid this by brushing your teeth and using dental floss!

2. Your breasts can diminish!
Damn it! At Lund university they noticed that three cups of coffee a day can diminish your breasts. Luckily it only impacts the women who have a certain gene variation. Approximately half of the Swedish women have it.

3. It disturbs your sleep
It can keep you from falling asleep as well as it impacts on the quality of your sleep. This is very individual though. Keep in mind that coffee stays in your body for about 14 hours. So if you can't seem to fall asleep skip the afternoon coffee.

4. Coffee can disturb the absorption of minerals essential to nutrition
Too much coffee can keep important minerals such as magnesium and calcium to absorb. If you wait for one hour after dining this wont be a problem though and a hint of milk in your coffee will make sure that the calcium absorbs!

Now you have to excuse me, I have to go and drink some coffee...


  1. Kaikki muut noista vaikutuksista on hunoja, mutta toi kakkonen ei haittaa. Vois olla koon pienemmät. :D

    Kysymykseen, miten saada lukijoita, ei taida löytyä yhtä ainoaa oikeaa vastausta. Mutta jotta ihmiset löytäisivät blogiisi, auttaa asiaa, jos käyt kommentoimassa muiden blogeihin. Itse ainakin arvostan kommentteja, joista huomaa, että lukija on lukenut tekstin, tosin kuin esim. pelkkä kommentti "kiva postaus". :D

    Ulkomaalaiset lukijat tykkäävät tehdä "kauppaa" tyyliin "can we follow each other", mikä ei musta loppujen lopuksi ole ollenkaan paha juttu, koska monet niistä blogeista on oikeasti todella hyviä ja olen sillä tavalla löytänyt varmaan puolet suosikkiblogeistani. Sama tuskin toimii suomalaisten blogien kanssa - veikkaan, että suomalaiset pitävät tuota typeränä. Mutta jos tykkää kommunikoida lukijoiden kanssa, niin tuohan on vaan hyvä juttu. Mulle blogi ei ainakaan ole mikään päiväkirja, vaan haluan, että siellä keskustellaan. :-)

    Sait nyt ensimmäisen lukijan. :-) Follow each other? ;D

